Sunday, October 12, 2014

Cover Reveal

Diamond Heiress by Ruth Roberts: 

Interview with Ruth Roberts:

How long have you been writing?

The very first time I remember writing a story was in high school. It was a historical romance, I had just discovered Victoria Holt and was addicted from the first book.  My dream was to write just like her, so I started writing. My English Teacher loved it. She wanted to try to have it published, but my family moved before the end of the school year and that story was lost. I didn’t write again until about seven years ago when I started doing it as a hobby.

Why did you choose the genre you write?

My husband says I am a romantic, and I suppose I am a because I believe in true love and I am a sucker for a happy ending. The romance genre is the only one where I am guaranteed both. I want my readers to have a smile on their face when they finish one of my books. 

Do you work off an outline or just wing it?

Definitely wing it. I’ve tried using an outline but they restrict me and I get stuck. I prefer to let my characters write their story, I usually know where they will end up but I let the journey develop as I write it. I have so much more fun that way. 

What is your writing goal – how many books of yours would you like to see published?

As many as possible, I can’t even put a number on it! As for my goal, I want to be Judith McNaught when I grow up. I want my stories and characters to come alive and stay with the reader long after they’ve finished one of my books, just as hers do. 

If your latest romance was made into a movie, which actors would you pick for the role of your hero and heroine? 

Nick would definitely be played by Shemar Moore, but he would have to wear gray contacts to match Nick’s liquid silver gaze. Alexis Bledel would make a perfect Brielle.  
What did you find was the hardest or most difficult part in your path to becoming an author?
The uncertainty that anything I wrote would be good enough to be read and liked by others. It took me a long time before I searched out critique partners because I was afraid my writing was terrible.  When I finally did they did so much to boost my confidence and help me to improve my writing skills. They were invaluable in my path to publication. 

Tell me a little about your novel. 

Diamond Heiress is about a beautiful, rich and spoiled young lady, Brielle Santorini, who is appointed as CEO of her grandfathers company after he dies. She has lived a life of luxury and amusement until that point, so she has no idea how to run an International Jeweler. But, she isn’t dumb or naïve, she is very intelligent. Being abandoned at the age of three by her mother and her father died gave her trust issues that she is dealing with.
Nick Trenton was John Santorini’s protégé. He expected to be named CEO of Santorini after John died, instead Brielle took that position. This makes him angry and he does everything in his power to get rid of her so that he can run the company his father helped build. Until he gets to know her and sees what an amazing, sweet and capable person she is.  
They now have to run this company together to keep their families legacies strong. But, when their hearts get involved it becomes a much harder task.  

Author Bio:

Romance novelist Ruth Roberts lives in the Big D, where city life abounds but the wide open spaces Texas is famous for are within easy reach. Her books transport readers to the glittering life of high-society, while making the character normal, fun people we would all like to have as friends. She loves reading, writing and Gilmore Girls. She and her teenage daughter call themselves the real life Gilmore Girls. Her very own romantic hero of twenty years is her greatest inspiration and support. She loves hearing from fans so drop her an email at

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