Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Interview with Natalie-Nicole Bates

Here's a chance to get to know Natalie-Nicole a little bit better:

1. What inspired you to write your first book?

That would be Change of Address. I had an idea for two people previously unknown to each other, discover that the house they thought they inherited is actually in dispute. There are two wills, signed by two different attorneys on the same date. I’d never seen anything like that before.

2. Do you listen to music or watch TV when you write?

The television is usually on in the background, but I don’t really pay attention to it. Sometimes I use the iPod, but I often find it distracting.

3. How did you decide on the titles of your books?

I don’t think I have a clear answer to that. I’ve just been lucky to have the titles come to me as I’m writing the story.

4. If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?

I don’t really have what I’d call a ‘mentor’. I have three authors I love and admire (unfortunately all are deceased now). Jacqueline Susann—a few years ago, someone gave me a copy of Valley of the Dolls as a gift. I was absolutely blown away by it! Although it was written in the 1960’s, the writing is transcendent. Dominick Dunne—the male equivalent of Jacqueline Susann. He managed to squeeze about six lives into one. A truly amazing human being. Sidney Sheldon—Master of the Game, one of my hands down favorite books.

5. Which stage of the writing/editing process is the most challenging for you?

The start. I always find writing those first few pages the most challenging. Once I get that done, I roll.

6. Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your work?

I was born in Russia, but now live in the United Kingdom. I just received my degree in Mortuary Science this past spring. It’s strange because I can’t actually practice—I’m allergic to almost all of the chemicals involved. It actually put me in the hospital! I’m interested now in cemetery preservation. I write both contemporary and paranormal romance, and have been published since late 2011.

7. If you could sit down and chat with just one of your characters, which one would it be and what would you ask them?

I love, love, love, Daniel Tremont from SEE ME. He’ll also be the hero in my upcoming paranormal novella SAVE ME (Believe Again). It’s a sort of retelling of SEE ME, but more of a funked up fairy tale. He’s one of the characters who latched on to me and refuses to let go. I would just love to hear him speak about his never ending life.

8. Do you have any advice for other writers out there?

Always seek out a comprehensive writing course to learn the correct process for writing a book. I can’t tell you how many promising writers fall down on things such as point of view.

9. Who have been your biggest cheerleaders during your writing process? Who are the ones you have to share your news with, about your books, immediately?

My husband. I have a few close writing friends I share with, but always my husband.


  1. Very nice interview. I learned something as well. I had no idea there was such a thing as cemetery preservation, not in the broader sense, only in relation to spedific cemeteries.
    Chris K.

  2. Thank you so much for stopping by, Chris, and taking time to comment. Much appreciated!
